Notebook un power d??ymesine bast??ktan 1 dakika i??erisinde makine bippplemeye ba??lay??p kendini kapat??yor.Kapand??ktan hemen sonra tekrar powera bas??nca daha k??sa s??rede kapan??yor.CPU da ??s??nma olabilir fakat olmaya bilirde bak??m i??in fan s??kmelerinde rastlanan problem olabilir

1-1-2 CPU test failure The CPU is faulty. Replace the CPU
Low 1-1-2 System board select failure The motherboard is having an undetermined fault. Replace the motherboard
1-1-3 CMOS read/write error The real time clock/CMOS is faulty. Replace the CMOS if possible
Low 1-1-3 Extended CMOS RAM failure The extended portion of the CMOS RAM has failed. Replace the CMOS if possible
1-1-4 BIOS ROM checksum error The BIOS ROM has failed. Replace the BIOS or upgrade if possible
1-2-1 PIT failure The programmable interrupt timer has failed. Replace if possible
1-2-2 DMA failure The DMA controller has failed. Replace the IC if possible
1-2-3 DMA read/write failure The DMA controller has failed. Replace the IC if possible
1-3-1 RAM refresh failure The RAM refresh controller has failed
1-3-2 64KB RAM failure The test of the first 64KB RAM has failed to start
1-3-3 First 64KB RAM failure The first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
1-3-4 First 64KB logic failure The first RAM control logic has failed
1-4-1 Address line failure The address line to the first 64KB RAM has failed
1-4-2 Parity RAM failure The first RAM IC has failed. Replace if possible
1-4-3 EISA fail-safe timer test Replace the motherboard
1-4-4 EISA NMI port 462 test Replace the motherboard
2-1-1 64KB RAM failure Bit 0; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-1-2 64KB RAM failure Bit 1; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-1-3 64KB RAM failure Bit 2; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-1-4 64KB RAM failure Bit 3; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-2-1 64KB RAM failure Bit 4; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-2-2 64KB RAM failure Bit 5; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-2-3 64KB RAM failure Bit 6; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-2-4 64KB RAM failure Bit 7; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-3-1 64KB RAM failure Bit 8; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-3-2 64KB RAM failure Bit 9; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-3-3 64KB RAM failure Bit 10; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-3-4 64KB RAM failure Bit 11; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-4-1 64KB RAM failure Bit 12; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-4-2 64KB RAM failure Bit 13; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-4-3 64KB RAM failure Bit 14; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
2-4-4 64KB RAM failure Bit 15; This data bit on the first RAM IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
3-1-1 Slave DMA register failure The DMA controller has failed. Replace the controller if possible
3-1-2 Master DMA register failure The DMA controller had failed. Replace the controller if possible
3-1-3 Master interrupt mask register failure The interrupt controller IC has failed
3-1-4 Slave interrupt mask register failure The interrupt controller IC has failed
3-2-2 Interrupt vector error The BIOS was unable to load the interrupt vectors into memory. Replace the motherboard
3-2-3 Reserved
3-2-4 Keyboard controller failure The keyboard controller has failed. Replace the IC if possible
3-3-1 CMOS RAM power bad Replace the CMOS battery or CMOS RAM if possible
3-3-2 CMOS configuration error The CMOS configuration has failed. Restore the configuration or replace the battery if possible
3-3-3 Reserved
3-3-4 Video memory failure There is a problem with the video memory. Replace the video adapter if possible
3-4-1 Video initialization failure There is a problem with the video adapter. Reseat the adapter or replace the adapter if possible
4-2-1 Timer failure The system’s timer IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
4-2-2 Shutdown failure The CMOS has failed. Replace the CMOS IC if possible
4-2-3 Gate A20 failure The keyboard controller has failed. Replace the IC if possible
4-2-4 Unexpected interrupt in protected mode This is a CPU problem. Replace the CPU and retest
4-3-1 RAM test failure System RAM addressing circuitry is faulty. Replace the motherboard
4-3-3 Interval timer channel 2 failure The system timer IC has failed. Replace the IC if possible
4-3-4 Time of day clock failure The real time clock/CMOS has failed. Replace the CMOS if possible
4-4-1 Serial port failure A error has occurred in the serial port circuitry
4-4-2 Parallel port failure A error has occurred in the parallel port circuitry
4-4-3 Math coprocessor failure The math coprocessor has failed. If possible, replace the MPU
Bip say?? ve t??r??, Hatan??n tan??m??
1-1-1-3 Verify real mode
1-1-2-1 Get CPU type
1-1-2-3 Initialize system hardware
1-1-3-1 Initialize chipset registers with initial values
1-1-3-2 Set in POST flag
1-1-3-3 Initialize CPU registers
1-1-4-1 Initialize cache to initial values
1-1-4-3 Initialize I/O
1-2-1-1 Initialize power management
1-2-1-2 Load alternative registers with initial POST values
1-2-1-3 Jump to UserPatch0
1-2-2-1 Initialize timer initialization
1-2-3-1 8254 timer initialization
1-2-3-3 8237 DMA controller initialization
1-2-4-1 Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller
1-3-1-1 Test DRAM refresh
1-3-1-3 Test 8742 Keyboard Controller
1-3-2-1 Set ES segment register to 4GB
1-3-3-1 Autosize DRAM
1-3-3-3 Clear 512K base memory
1-3-4-1 Test 512K base address lines
1-3-4-3 Test 51K base memory
1-4-1-3 Test CPU bus-clock frequency
1-4-2-1 CMOS RAM read/write failure (this commonly indicates a problem on the ISA bus such as a card not seated)
1-4-2-4 Reinitialize the chipset
1-4-3-1 Shadow system BIOS ROM
1-4-3-2 Reinitialize the cache
1-4-3-3 Autosize the cache
1-4-4-1 Configure advanced chipset registers
1-4-4-2 Load alternate registers with CMOS values
2-1-1-1 Set initial CPU speed
2-1-1-3 Initialize interrupt vectors
2-1-2-1 Initialize BIOS interrupts
2-1-2-3 Check ROM copyright notice
2-1-2-4 Initialize manager for PCI Options ROMs
2-1-3-1 Check video configuration against CMOS
2-1-3-2 Initialize PCI bus and devices
2-1-3-3 initialize all video adapters in system
2-1-4-1 Shadow video BIOS ROM
2-1-4-3 Display copyright notice
2-2-1-1 Display CPU type and speed
2-2-1-3 Test keyboard
2-2-2-1 Set key click if enabled
2-2-2-3 Enable keyboard
2-2-3-1 Test for unexpected interrupts
2-2-3-3 Display prompt “Press F2 to enter setup”
2-2-4-1 Test RAM between 512K and 640K
2-3-1-1 Test expanded memory
2-3-1-3 Test extended memory address lines
2-3-2-1 Jump to UserPatch1
2-3-2-3 Enable external and CPU caches
2-3-2-3 Configure advanced cache registers
2-3-3-1 Enable external and CPU caches
2-3-3-2 Initialize SMI handler
2-3-3-3 Display external cache size
2-3-4-1 Display shadow message
2-3-4-3 Display non-disposable segments
2-4-1-1 Display error messages
2-4-1-3 Check for configuration errors
2-4-2-1 Test real-time clock
2-4-2-3 Check for keyboard errors
2-4-4-1 Setup hardware interrupt vectors
2-4-4-3 Test coprocessor if present
3-1-1-1 Disable onboard I/O ports
3-1-1-3 Detect and install external RS232 ports
3-1-2-1 Detect and install external parallel ports
3-1-2-3 Reinitialize onboard I/O ports
3-1-3-1 Initialize BIOS Data Area
3-1-3-3 Initialize Extended BIOS Data Area
3-1-4-1 Initialize floppy controller
3-2-1-1 Initialize hard disk controller
3-2-1-2 Initialize local bus hard disk controller
3-2-1-3 Jump to UserPatch2
3-2-2-1 Disable A20 address line
3-2-2-3 Clear huge ES segment register
3-2-3-1 Search for option ROMs
3-2-3-3 Shadow option ROMs
3-2-4-1 Setup power management
3-2-4-3 Enable hardware interrupts
3-3-1-1 Set time of day
3-3-1-3 Check key lock
3-3-3-1 Erase F2 prompt
3-3-3-3 Scan for F2 keystroke
3-3-4-1 Enter SETUP
3-3-4-3 Clear in-POST flag
3-4-1-1 Check for errors
3-4-1-3 POST done – prepare to boot operating system
3-4-2-1 One beep
3-4-2-3 Check password (optional)
3-4-3-1 Clear global descriptor table
3-4-4-1 Clear parity checkers
3-4-4-3 Check virus and backup reminders
4-1-1-1 Try to boot with INT 19
4-2-1-1 Interrupt handler error
4-2-1-3 Unknown interrupt error
4-2-2-1 Pending interrupt error
4-2-2-3 Initialize option ROM error
4-2-3-1 Shutdown error
4-2-3-3 Extended Block Move
4-2-4-1 Shutdown 10 error
4-2-4-3 Keyboard Controller failure (most likely problem is with RAM or cache unless no video is present)
4-3-1-3 Initialize the chipset
4-3-1-4 Initialize refresh counter
4-3-2-1 Check for Forced Flash
4-3-2-2 BIOS ROM is OK
4-3-2-4 Do a complete RAM test
4-3-3-1 Do OEM initialization
4-3-3-2 Initialize interrupt controller
4-3-3-3 Read in bootstrap code
4-3-3-4 Initialize all vectors
4-3-4-2 Initialize the boot device
4-3-4-3 Boot code was read OK
??? Intel?? Core??? 2 Quad ????lemci Q9000
– ????lemci h??z?? 2.00 GHz, 6MB L2 cache, 1066 MHz FSB
– Intel?? PM45 Chipset
– Intel?? PRO/Wireless 5100 (802.11a/b/g/n) Kablosuz A?? Ba??lant??s??
??? Orijinal Microsoft?? Windows Vista?? Home Premium
??? 4 GB 1066 Mhz DDR3 Bellek
??? 1 GB DDR3 256 bit nVIDIA Geforce 9800GS Ekran Kart????
??? 500 GB SATA Harddisk
??? 15.4″ WXGA (1440×900) Parlak TFT Ekran
??? 2.0MP Web Camera
??? DVD ?? RW DUAL
??? Bluetooth
??? Multi Card reader (MMC/RSMMC/SD/Mini-SD/MS/MS Pro/MS Duo)
??? 4X USB 2.0 port, 1X eSATA, 1X HDMI
2 Responses
yukar??da ne var yav nedir onu yazan kendi anlam??yorki zaten BEN S??YL??YEY??M KUZEY CH??P PROBLEM?? VAR ARIZALIDIR sayg??lar
deniz arkada????m problemle ilgili san??r??m bilgi eksikli??iniz var ??r??ndeki ar??za kuzey cip de??ildir anakartta k??sa devre var b??ylelikle kuzey m??dahalesi yapmay??n??z ar??za devam eder sayg??lar??mla